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our Clinic


Healing Touch Townsville offers the complementary therapy of Healing Touch to any member of the community of Townsville and surrounds.  


The Healing Touch clinic is run by healthcare professionals who have obtained additional Healing Touch qualifications through a structured program of professional development, endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association and the international Healing Touch professional organisation, Healing Beyond Borders.

Healing Touch is an energy-based modality, similar to acupressure, acupunture, yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki.


 During a Healing Touch session, the client remains fully clothed while the practitioner uses gentle touch on or immediately above the client's body to support, balance and re-align the client's energy system.  


This complementary therapy supports and strengthens the client's own innate self-healing process, to support their ongoing development towards health and well-being.  Sessions are typically experienced as feeling very safe, relaxing and comforting, although other health benefits may also be experienced. 

Healing Touch Townsville does not require referrals, and your first free sample session (20-30 minutes) is provided at no cost.

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