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Frequently asked questions

What is Healing Touch?


Healing Touch is a therapeutic approach to healing that involves a systematic use of gentle touch to influence the energy system, thus affecting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellness.


What happens during a Healing Touch Session?


Each Healing Touch session is unique and tailored for the client's highest good. A typical session involves the client lying or sitting fully clothed while the therapist gently places their hands on or close to the client's  body.  Each technique follows a prescribed sequence of hand placement in specific body locations.


Where does Healing Touch come from?


Healing Touch was developed as a continuing education program for registered nurses in the early 1980's by Janet Mentgen, RN, BSN, and is based upon multiple cultural healing traditions over the centuries.


Is Healing Touch a certified therapy?


Yes, Healing Touch is certified worldwide by Healing Beyond Borders: Educating and Certifying the Healing Touch (HBB), the international professional association for Healing Touch practitioners. There are 5 levels of instruction to become a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner.


How can I become involved in Healing Touch?


The Australian Foundation for Healing Touch, Inc. (AFHTI) is affiliated with HBB, and frequently runs classes to provide instruction and assistance in attaining certification. More information about this can be found at The Australian Foundation for Healing Touch,Inc.  at


Will Healing Touch cure my injury/illness?


Healing Touch is a Therapy which works toward optimum wellness, for the client's highest good, rather than being a cure for any particular disease. At each session, the practitioner will ask if the client has a particular goal, such as pain relief. Each client's experience and response will vary, from one session to another.   While their initial goal may be achieved, the client may also or instead find they experience a benefit in one of the other dimensions of wellness (e.g. anxiety relief instead of pain relief).

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