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Kristin Wicking

Kristin first learned about Healing Touch (HT) at a nursing conference in 2000, and began her HT training in her native California.  In 2001, she relocated to Australia with her Melbourne-born husband, and furthered her training here, up to the final Level 5 HT course.  In addition, Kristin completed her PhD by studying the effect of Healing Touch on community-dwelling older women. Some of them experienced an increase in their ability to perform activities of daily living (walking, bathing, eating); while others experienced an improvement in their levels of social support.


Kristin enjoys being able to share the varying benefits that Healing Touch can bring to her clients, acknowledging that each person is on their own unique journey to health and well-being.  She embraces the holistic approach to care that supports their development in all dimensions of health, as clients move steadily forward on their own way to wellness, the name of Kristin's overarching business: On Your Way to Wellness 

Besides providing Healing Touch sessions, Kristin is also a doubly certified Coach through the American Holistic Nurses Association and through the International Coaching Federation. 

You can book an in-person coaching appointment that combines coaching with Healing Touch, or you can book a stand-alone coaching appointment over the online zoom platform, by booking here:


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